Lake Powell Fish Report for 2-18-2021
Lake Powell Spring Fishing recommendations by Capt. Bill
Lake Powell

by Bill McBurney
Fishing Lake Powell 2021 – Capt. Bill McBurney
With low water expectations on Lake Powell this year, we will no longer have our “cut” to use for sometime. This will increase our travel time to get “on fish”. For anyone wanting a 1/2 day trip, I highly recommend 5 hours instead which is a new rate of $575.00 for 1-2 anglers, to have travel time included.
This year one of our rides up Lake Powell will be on a 4 Stroke Center Console Polar Boat with 2 Yamaha’s this is for safety and efficiency on Lake Powell. We are excited to have it available for our customers. We even have enclosures within the console for “weather protection”. I will post a picture as soon as I have it sitting on the water.
If you have any questions regarding fishing Lake Powell, please do not hesitate to contact me 928-606-5829 or 928-606-0933.
See you on the Pond!
Capt. Bill
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