Lake Powell Fish Report for 9-14-2020
Lake Powell Fishing Report
Lake Powell

by Arizona Game & Fish Department
Report courtesy of Wayne Gustaveson at The warm blanket of water was temporarily ripped off the surface by last week's cold blast from the north. Daily air temperature before that had been in the 100s, with low air temperature in the 80s. The water temperature had been holding in the 80s but is now 76.
Last week stripers were feeding on the surface at dawn and dusk. They were not dependable each day but when it was about time to give up, they would surface again. The surface action was short, only a half hour or so, but very rewarding when they finally surfaced. This pattern is repeating lakewide. A few boils randomly early and late. When the school went deep, more fish hit spoons when the school showed up on the graph. Smallmouth bass were cooperative in 20-40 feet of water off rocky slopes and ledges next to deep water. The standard plastic grubs and Ned rigs continued to entice bass.
Good fishing reported last week for bluegill and catfish near camp. Worms were the best bait. Best timing was after dark when the weather was cooler. One little boy was very surprised when a huge largemouth bass ate the worm he was using to catch bluegill.
Electrofishing surveys will be conducted at San Juan, Good Hope, RIncon and Wahweap, so no new report for this week.
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: AZGFD- August Fishing Report
Kaibab Lake: Kaibab Lake Fishing Report
Ashurst Lake: Ashurt Lake Fishing Report
Lake Powell: Lake Powell Fishing Report

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